Committee Leadership
Audra Felt
I'm a Lyons native who graduated from Lyons back when there wasn't a 2nd gym, "Jet" Johnson taught 8th-grade History class, 2nd Ave went straight to "Lyons Jr-Sr High" (not a house in sight) and a sharp #2 pencil was needed to fill in the circles on the dreaded mandatory testing sheet. While away, the town and Lyons Middle-Senior High went through some changes. I came back home to my family's homestead in 2012 to help my aging parents and to give our kids what I grew up with: fresh air and roots. I got involved with Booster Club in 2013 to help do the concessions shopping. I've stayed with the concession team all these years and am sad to not be a direct part anymore. With so many years of sitting at Booster Meetings (Alison called it Booster Knowledge), I was willing to step into the President role to help see Booster continue on its path of support for each and every student at Lyons. Doubting Booster has helped your child, my answer is going to surprise you!
Vice President
Abby Wynja
I've been a volunteer with Booster Club for many years and am excited to be the Booster Club VP this year!
VP, Bingo Operations
Judy Brownsberger
I've been a part of Lyons Booster Club and our bingo fundraising for many years. I'm looking forward to serving as the bingo lead for the upcoming school year.
Etta Sanders
I have worked in non-profit finance for the better part of 26 years. I chose to join the Lyons Booster Club as Treasurer to support the amazing work that the teachers and administrators do daily. It is the way I give to those that do so much for our kids.
The Lyons Lions Booster Club has been a great way to meet wonderful community-minded people and I am honored to support their efforts.
Kim Malito
I've been a teacher at Lyons Middle Senior for the past nine years. I love working in Lyons because it is a small school community that has the feel of family. I’m lucky to be able to live in the same community I work; so it is extra special to be a part of my students’ lives in other ways than just teacher. Lyons Booster Club supports our students in so many ways. It's a privilege to be a part of this great organization.
Allison Zema
It has been such a joy learning how much Booster Club helps our students in so many ways through taking our meeting minutes each month! Booster Club impacts students in athletics, the performing arts, and they also support students in academic classrooms. I have been teaching at Lyons since 2019, and I cannot tell you how lucky we are to have a Booster Club that cares about each and every student at our school. I feel so blessed to be a part of such an amazing community!
It Takes a Village...
Volunteer Leads
Bingo Session Leads:
1. Rebecca Pepper-Martinez
2. Meg Waters
3. Maria Cross
4. Cheryl & Joe Denney
5. Tanya Gaines
6. Drew Leino
7. Brian Brookes
Lynn Johann
Kristen Christiansen
Jenny Abernathy
Lions Wear:
Leissa Pickering
Our Lyons Lions
Volunteer Leads
Stacey Paznokas
Amber Burton
Ann Cisar
Lori Herman
Treasurer (In training):
Katherine Gregory
Volunteer Coordinator:
Yokaira LaCrosse
Christopher Frank - Principal
Colleen Ford - Athletic Director &
Assistant Principal
David Glover - Dean of Students
Join Our Amazing Team!
Put Your Talent to Work for a Great Cause
- Volunteer Coordinator - Vacant (Click to Inquire!)
- Bingo Sessions (Choose any Sunday)
- Concessions (Sign up for home events)
- Parent-Teacher Conference Meals
- Lyons After Prom
Attend monthly meetings or reach out to learn how you could be a great asset to our team!